i have big dreams, but instead i have been busy doing this

i've been enjoying time with my 2 favorite people, sitting on the couch, and just taking a mental break for the last few months. its been nice, but it needs to be over (the mental break, nothing else!)
i had 10 posts in my mind, lots of things i wanted to share in a really fun cute way - but instead this is going to be the longest catch up post in the history of this blog.
lets talk about this pregnancy.
friends, i was going to post on our gender reveal party, make a super cute graphic and blah blah blah but im done putting off sharing updates because i am lazy and dont have the pictures from the party yet, or the energy to make a cutesy graphic. i'll just tell you. since you already know anyways. :)
we went into our ultrasound SO excited to see if we would be having a little boy or a little girl. we were content with either, although i wanted a sister for maggie a teensy bit more and nick wanted a brother for her. they showed us our sweet babys face and i felt a rush of relief run through my body. to see our baby alive and moving was just what my anxious heart needed. the profile of our babe looks NOTHING like Maggie & in that moment i was convinced we were having a boy. when the tech showed us the gender shot she asked if we wanted to make any guesses and i looked and instantly knew right away what was growing inside me, but i let her tell me anyways. "It looks like a little GIRL!" she said and visions of florals and sisters and matching outfits and SISTERS ran through my head. i still cant believe i get to be a mama to TWO little girls. Nick was so excited, and cant wait to have 2 girls to snuggle and love on. the rest of the ultrasound was uneventful, which is just what we prayed for - and we are so grateful for a healthy baby girl.

Maggie was really funny about it when we told her, she said she already knew it was a sister and didnt seem to care that much. haha. oh 3 year olds. but every day she talks about her baby sister and is so so excited to have one!
the next night we had a few close friends over for a little gender reveal party. it didnt go at all how i planned ( i had to even make a run to the urgent care because i burned my hand being careless making myself something to eat just an hour before people showed up... while i was angry about how 'imperfect' our home was. ugh. so awful) it was so great to have the people who have been praying for this baby girl, long before she was even conceived, in the same room. we already had her name picked out and it was so fun to let mags share that her baby sister, Molly June, will be joining our family.
(i will write another post on why we picked that name for our sweet girl)

baby molly is talked about all the time, she is so loved in this house. we can not wait to meet her.
ive been feeling mostly great. im not nauseated much anymore, ive come to terms with the fact that i dont sleep well and i just take all the sleep i do get as a blessing. i dont really have lots of cravings, i dont feel as hungry as i did with maggie, i am growing and gaining, and for the most part i have felt pretty good! i have this zit that will not go away on my chin, over relaxed ligaments which make it tough to stand or walk or lift or climb or roll over, i feel pretty negative about the way my body looks and the weight it has gained, but i am trying so hard to change my attitude about that. my ankles are swollen and my feet hurt. im much more achy this pregnancy than my first. i see the chiropractor 3 times a week and it is awesome. ive been more anxious the last few weeks, but its manageable. i cry. a lot. about anything and everything.
molly girl kicks and wiggles but because of the placement of my placenta i didnt start feeling it very consistently until about 2 weeks ago. its the best.
i thought at the beginning of this pregnancy that it would be my last, but now im not so sure. :)
i am 6 months pregnant as of yesterday and i can not believe that SO soon our family of 3 will be a family of 4!!
ok. enough on that.
lets talk about my Maggie Pearl.
if you want to know anything about her, check my instagram.
i basically blog over there.
she is the best.
she turned 4 last week.
she is hilarious and makes me laugh every single day.
she is hilarious and makes me laugh every single day.
she is learning so so much in preschool, and i am not going to write a ton about her, because i want to write a whole post about her and all her growth. she is such a delight to me - and even when its hard its still good.
i feel like this is mostly caught up - and the pieces that are missing are pieces that are coming along soon. if i keep saying "im back" enough times maybe it will actually be true?
Happy Thanksgiving friends, there is really so so much to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving friends, there is really so so much to be thankful for.
I'm so there with you. I've been an awful blogger through this pregnancy. I'm just so unmotivated. All I want to do is hang out with my clan and snuggle lots.
ReplyDeleteYou look awesome btw. Seriously.
My little one turns three in two weeks. I can't believe it.