
eight months.

i am late {as usual} on the little one's birthday post.
i also have had pretty much no time to just sit and make 
the cute photo for this post. but i want to write it before it
is too late,& before i forget anything. 

miss maggie,

happy eight month birthday! you are growing so big every single day! while you were seven months old you did a lot of growing. you weighed 18 pounds & grew another inch, making you 27.75 inches tall. {i am pretty sure you are going to be taller than your mama...} you are still not crawling, but getting very, very close, but you prefer standing up & trying to walk anyways. we often wonder if you will skip the whole crawling thing. you eat lots of different foods, but your very favorite thing is oatmeal with any kind of fruit. you practically jump out of your skin when you get a taste of it. you started waking up more in the middle of the night & spent most of the month sleeping in mama & daddy's bed because it was just easier on all of us. we had no idea why you were sleeping so terrible. that is until one day at a picnic one of our friends spotted your very first tooth. we had no idea you were getting it & then after that, most of your 'odd' behavior made sense. {your tiny tooth is so cute! but i think i will miss that gummy toothless smile...} you also learned how to clap. which was probably one of my favorite days since being your mama. watching you learn this new trick made me fall so in love with you. & watching you use this new skill to show that you are happy is amazing. maggie girl, you are a little girl who is full of laughter. you laugh all the time {except when you scream & cry} you laugh during church, during prayer times, in the car, at your reflection, at your daddy & mostly anytime you like something. you bring joy to so many people with your laughter & i pray that this only grows more as you do. i pray that you will grow up to be an encourager. you are starting to really like certain people, & your favorite little friend is dylan parker, your face lights up everytime you see him { & so does his..}. we have loved watching you grow, little girl. it was this month that daddy looked at you while you were sleeping & said that he was a little bit sad that you are not a little baby anymore, but that you are turing into a little girl. i can not believe how big you are. & i cant imagine how big you will be next month when i write you this letter. we love you pearl girl. thank you for being my reminder to be joyful. you are such a gem.



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