Maggie turning 4 was a big deal for this mama.
i remember so well the week leading up to her birth.
actually thats a lie, i remember some things so well and some things not so well.
one thing that i do remember, is that she felt like sunshine coming because the
weather was so awful and rainy. i called her my sunshine in november, and she
has lived up to that so well over the last 4 years.
we have been so blessed by our favorite photographer, Candice, from Ivy and Tweed.
she has generously taken so many gorgeous captures of our family and having her snap these
photos of my big girl - such a joy! i love them, my husband loves them and most important, Maggie loves them. she talks about them all the time.

4 is so magical. the whole world is open to her, and she sees things and feels things and tells you all about them. she remembers things. which is both a comfort and scary to me.
at 4 years old Maggie is so vocal. talking, singing, laughing, and asking questions. she is genuinly funny, and makes us belly laugh a lot. she is emotional and aware of things around her. she has a great compassion for others, and longs to take care of you if you need it. i often think thats my fault - but then i am reminded that its actually a blessing that she likes to care for people, and not a mistake.
Margaret can spell her name, has a best school friend, and continues to say that her daddy and I are her real best friends. she likes music (a lot. just like daddy) soccer, dancing and my little pony. she collects little toys like shopkins, tiny my little ponies, magic clip princess dolls and anything you can get in a 'blind bag'. she has the BEST giggle and loves fancy nancy books and dr seuss. she asks you to take a 'selfie' or a picture of her daily (#maggie365) and she likes to take photos with our phones. she always edits them or takes them in black and white, its my favorite.

She goes to preschool 3 days a week and can speak spanish and will always tell you that her favorite color is green or verde. She likes coffee dates where we sit and talk, and her love language is 100% touch or snuggles. She is a joy 97.8% of the time. ;)

She goes to preschool 3 days a week and can speak spanish and will always tell you that her favorite color is green or verde. She likes coffee dates where we sit and talk, and her love language is 100% touch or snuggles. She is a joy 97.8% of the time. ;)
Maggie is full of fire and passion. she is sassy and fierce. She is a bold little girl who knows what she wants and i hope and pray that we can mold that into a beautiful quality instead of letting it become something ugly that defines her. she is brave and never afraid to tell you how she feels about something. i like that about her. she challenges me every day.

She knows who Jesus is, and sometimes likes to read her Bible. She asks to be prayed for, but doesn't like to pray on her own very much, and she loves to sing songs we sing at Church, or anything by Dustin Kensrue (who she legitimately believes is her friend)

She knows who Jesus is, and sometimes likes to read her Bible. She asks to be prayed for, but doesn't like to pray on her own very much, and she loves to sing songs we sing at Church, or anything by Dustin Kensrue (who she legitimately believes is her friend)

she has asked lots of questions about Church and why we dont go to our old Church, and why our friends dont all go to the same place anymore, and has fallen in love with the new Church that we are going too. i sometimes feel like im failing her as a mama because she is not more interested in Jesus, but i just keep praying that He will grab her heart when its time, and trusting that she will follow. I know that whenever it happens it will be so sweet.

Mags doesnt like naps, or being told no. she doesn't like to eat real meals, or go to the doctor. She cant wait to be a big sister and talks about her baby sister all the time. She is a dream. She is more than i could have ever asked for.

i often think about the rough start we had together, and i can see the beautiful redemption that Jesus has done in our relationship. we have a long way to go together, but i am confident its going to get more beautiful as the years go on. Margaret Pearl, My Sunshine in November, Our snuggle bug, and the most incredible gift - we love you.

Mags doesnt like naps, or being told no. she doesn't like to eat real meals, or go to the doctor. She cant wait to be a big sister and talks about her baby sister all the time. She is a dream. She is more than i could have ever asked for.

i often think about the rough start we had together, and i can see the beautiful redemption that Jesus has done in our relationship. we have a long way to go together, but i am confident its going to get more beautiful as the years go on. Margaret Pearl, My Sunshine in November, Our snuggle bug, and the most incredible gift - we love you.
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