it feels suuuper awkward.
like when you havent talked
to a friend in a while
and then when you do
its just a little weird.
like a lot has happend.
and you dont know quite
where to start.
or if you should.
because silence is sometimes
easier. sometimes you have to
force yourself to do something.
because you know in the end you
will be glad that you did.
like working out, or not eating
that doughnut.
we have had so much fun lately.
we have had so many hard days.
so many tears.
so many tantrums.
im not just talking about maggie, either.
we have discoverd new things.
we have adventured a lot.
we have spent a lot of time in our jammies.
its been raining.
a lot.

we fell in love with the library.
our car broke {again}
maggie got her first haircut.
i almost broke her ankle going down
the slide with her.
we celebrated 4 years of marriage.
and had the best date ever.

i witnessed one of my best friends
give birth to a sweet, little lady
4 weeks early.
maggie held her first newborn.
it made my babyfever go insane
seeing her hold a teeny tiny baby.
she is going to make one sweet big
sister someday.
maggie has grown out of nearly all her
clothes. and shoes.
she started singing more.
and talking - more.
she turned that corner from little toddler
to early preschooler over night.
she also decided to stop falling asleep easily.
and getting up early. waaaay to early.

i think during this break,
i learned something.
i miss this space.
i miss writing.
i want to come back.
i want to share and tell this story.
i dont know what that looks like yet.
but i cant wait to figure it out.
i think i'll be back again tomorrow.
but im not making any promises.
our life is full. its busy. its crazy.
and i love living it instead of being so
focused on how to write it.
I love love love this particular entry in your blog. Especially that first part. We are twin souls, I swear.